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Import Tomcat Source Code into Eclipse

1.Download Tomcat source code.
2.Create a new directory: basepath.
3.set #base.path from the file build.properties  to the above basepath.
4.enter source code directory and ant.
5.after compiling successfully , you can make the two files(.project and .classpath) using executing the command: ant ide-eclipse
6. open eclipse ,import the source code.
7. change the classpath output path to TOMCAT_PROJECT/output/classes
   add the classpath variables
      ANT_HOME: navigate to ant home directory.
      TOMCAT_LIBS_BASE:navigate to base.path
8. run



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    Eclipse的code style属性,包括Formatter设置以及import包管理


    自己定义的注释模板,还算比较好用。用法是直接下载文件,在eclipse或myeclipse里面导入(preferences -- code templates -- comments -- import),使用的快捷键是 alt+shift+j,注释就自动加好了。


    手把手教你搭建Tomcat7源码开发环境,如果有了如下说明还搭建不成功,建议...3、启动eclipse,Use File->Import and chose "Existing Projects into Workspace". 导入Tomcat7.0的源码apache-tomcat-7.0.29-src即可。

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    NULL 博文链接:https://sjy-showtime.iteye.com/blog/2146035

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